How important is good machinery for uniform depth?
When planting seeds in your crop, do you worry about the depth at which they will be deposited and dosed in the soil? This is important because each seed has an ideal depth, which depends on both the characteristics of the plant and the properties of the soil and climate of the region, among other factors.
At this point, it is also essential to think about the mechanization of the process. After all, even with all the calculations, what will effectively dose and deposit the seed is the machine. Thus, it is essential to have quality equipment that guarantees the uniform depth of this process.
Do you want to know more about the importance of uniform depth and good machinery to ensure this? If so, keep on reading!
Depth at the time of planting
When planting any crop, it is essential to calculate the depth at which the seed must be planted, considering different factors, such as the seed itself (whether it is corn, beans, rice, etc.). This is because each type has a distinct amount of nutrients stored, which defines the depth necessary for its best use.
Still, the temperature of the region, fertility and type of soil (clay, sandy or mixed), the humidity at the time of planting together with the possibility of rain in the coming days, and the density of plants per hectare must be analyzed.
To understand the importance of this calculation in plantations, you can think about animals. When a litter of puppies is born, for example, there is competition among the puppies for survival. The older ones have a tendency to get more food and, as a result, they end up harming the smaller ones.
Something similar happens with plants in a field. If they grow unevenly, they can also compete, and this harms your crop in many ways. But before understanding what happens, it is important to clarify the concept of uniform depth.
Uniform depth concept
Uniform depth is basically planting all seeds at the same depth, avoiding this competition, which can lead some plants to die. However, if the concept is simple in theory, it is quite complex in practice.
This is because, in farming, soils do not have a uniform relief, which can generate changes in the technology adopted to guarantee the downforce at the desired depth.
This happens, for example, when conventional springs are used in the planting line, because whatever force they receive (either up or down), by their nature, they will exert a greater counterforce to return to their natural state.
In the case of gas cylinders with a downforce system, it is already possible to maintain constant force. Thus, seed depth is more standardized than when using conventional systems.
Problems of not ensuring uniform depth
There are several problems in not guaranteeing uniform depth when planting. First, this causes plants to compete with each other, likely leading part of the crop to die.
When talking about corn, for example, the ideal planting depth is about 5 to 6 centimeters in most cases. In practice, however, you can deposit some grains at 10 centimeters and others a little more on the surface, at 2 centimeters, for example.
When this happens, plants do not develop under equal conditions. The one that was closer to the surface break out earlier, growing more than others. In this way, it receives more nutrients and sunlight than the others, which are deeper.
In addition, it is also more prone to drought, because its roots cannot reach great depths, as it is deposited closer to the soil surface.
Another problem with this non-uniformity is related to supplies and ripeners. In the case of corn, in its growth stages V3 and V5, it is necessary to supply nitrogen.
However, if each plant began to develop at a different time, they also do not reach these states at the same time. That being said, you run the risk that some will go through stage V3 without nitrogen; and others receive it too soon. In any case, growth will be hampered.
The same is true for ripeners. When applying them on a plantation with varying depths, you run the risk of being late for some plants and early for others. This can be a big problem when harvesting cotton, for example, since you will have plants of different sizes and a product of different quality.
Machines ensure uniform depth
You’ve already realized that uniform depth is essential for your crop to have maximum productivity. It has also been found that machines that use springs may not guarantee it, due to the physics of their functioning. What can be done then?
The good news is that there are already extremely modern machines on the market. They use gas cylinders to adjust the depth. The difference here is that, with this technology, it is possible to guarantee a constant force exerted on the planting line, which does not happen with machines that use conventional springs.
This is made possible by the cylinder’s downforce mechanism, which dampens the natural movement of the ground line. This means that when you are planting and encounter a little higher ground, the cart follows the ground, but the mechanism absorbs this difference, ensuring that the pressure is maintained and, with that, the seed is dosed at the correct depth.
The result is the guarantee of uniform depth. This is exactly why machinery makes a difference when it comes to precision agriculture.
As you can see, uniform depth makes a big difference when it comes to the productivity of your crop. It is guaranteed by the use of cutting-edge technology. Therefore, consider investing in this type of equipment and boost your production right now!
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