We answered the 6 main questions about the types of fertilization
Success in plant development is directly linked to the availability of certain substances, such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers. However, this task requires planning, since it is necessary to know the distinct types of fertilization and the best practices.
At this point, it is natural to have many questions. After all, the nutritional needs of crops vary according to several factors. Therefore, in this article, we will answer some of the main questions about fertilization raised by farmers.
1. What types of fertilization are there?
Fertilizers can be categorized into two groups: mineral and organic.
Mineral fertilizer
Mineral fertilizer is also known as chemical. It is a product of petroleum refining or mineral extraction. Here are chlorides, carbonates, and phosphates, for example.
They have a well-defined composition, making it possible to accurately determine the amount that will be applied in each operation.
On the market, the product is known as NPK fertilizer — N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). One of the recommended compositions that is more balanced is NPK 10-10-10, in applications of 50 g/m².
This type of fertilization is quite concentrated. Therefore, it usually comes in granules, which are applied to the soil and gradually dissolved. In this way, the product does not come into direct contact with the roots of the plants.
Organic fertilization
This type of fertilizer is generated by matter of animal or plant origin, such as;
- vegetable remains;
- flours;
- shells;
- manure.
To form the fertilizer, it is necessary that these residues go through a composting process, in which microorganisms transform organic matter into a compost very similar to the soil. The product is rich in macronutrients.
2. Why is this process important for harvesting?
Fertilizing is essential to strengthen the soil with nutrients that conserve or restore its fertility. This promotes healthy crop development and increases agricultural productivity.
It is worth noting that the soil will not always have the nutrients necessary for plant growth. This can occur as a result of natural wear or depletion of the land after repeated monoculture crops, in addition to erosion, leaching and excessive rainfall.
In this scenario, fertilization will enrich the soil to supply nutritional deficiencies. These nutrients will have essential functions throughout the plant’s growth, such as energy generation and structuring.
3. What to consider when choosing the best type of fertilizer?
Each choice has advantages and disadvantages. Usually, however, a combination of the two types of fertilization is recommended to achieve a balance of their benefits.
Advantages of organic fertilizer
- Greater aggregation of soil particles. This results in a more structured soil that is resistant to erosion and leaching processes;
- more stable soil temperature, with less stress to the roots;
- increase in the soil’s ability to absorb substances that would be harmful to the plant, such as aluminum;
- supply of beneficial substances, such as calcium and potassium, and greater availability of nutrients through mineralization;
- increased water holding capacity;
- increased bacterial flora and microfauna in the soil.
Advantages of mineral fertilizer
- Faster and easier absorption by plants, bringing results in the short term;
- Applications of nutrients in measurable amounts. This allows greater precision when there is variability in the lack of nutrients in the crop.
In any case, it is necessary to be very careful when planning fertilization. For this, it is recommended to carry out an assessment of the soil conditions to determine the best alternatives.
4. What are the types of machinery for fertilization?
Fertilization can be done by different machines, as listed below.
A planter is used for fertilization when the fertilizer is applied directly to the soil at the sowing line. In this case, the operation is carried out simultaneously with planting, depositing the product right below the seeds.
Fertilizers with a broadcast distribution system
With broadcast fertilization, the work is done with machines with distributors in the form of rotating discs with shovels, which launch the granules in a programmed range.
Fertilization can also be done by sprayers, in a foliar way. The machine sprays the fertilizer diluted in the water, and the plant absorbs the nutrient through the leaves.
5. How to choose the right machinery for fertilization?
This choice will depend on soil and climate conditions, as well as the characteristics of the crop and its stage of development.
So, if the method chosen is foliar application, sprayers are the way to go. On the other hand, if the objective is to apply directly to the soil, the fertilization can be done in the planting line by means of planters or broadcast distribution machines.
Another important aspect to be analyzed is the choice between self-propelled or traction machines, according to the needs of the crop and the resources that producers already have at their disposal.
6. Why is it advantageous to mechanize work in the field?
In all agricultural operations, mechanization will bring gains in farm results. After all, the evolution in application technologies is a natural progress, which guarantees the rural producer to meet an increasing demand. By mechanizing the process, the following benefits will be achievable:
- time saving: it is evident how the entire fertilization operation becomes much more agile. With the best practices and equipment to apply fertilizers, it is possible to do it on large properties in less time;
- lower costs: in addition to reducing labor costs, the farmer manages to increase their financial return in the harvest;
- failure reduction: through intelligent systems provided by precision agriculture, it is possible to map the conditions of the crop and soil, applying it according to the demand of each field;
- lower environmental impact: the reduction of failures prevents overlap between applications and contamination of natural resources. Without excess, there will be no accumulation of product in the soil, preventing it from being taken to rivers and other sources.
The adoption of quality equipment allows the farmer to configure distribution and dosage patterns precisely, adjusting the application perfectly to the needs of the soil and the plant.
Were you able to clear your doubts about the different types of fertilization? So, don’t waste time and get in touch with our team to find out the best solution for your farming!