Sustainable energy: check out sustainable options for the field

In times of cost reduction and maximum use of resources, sustainable energy becomes an essential choice. Whether for family farmers or bigger, large-scale productions, adopting these practices helps maintain the field’s stability and protects the environment.

Different initiatives can be used. The choice depends on the analysis of resources available in the region and understanding the investments needed and the possible cost-benefit achieved.

This article will better explain this scenario, the importance of adopting sustainability in your crop, and the advantages of this practice.

The importance of incorporating sustainable energy into rural properties

Sustainable energies are already used in different business areas. In the agricultural sector, it benefits farmers, the environment and society. This is because current needs are met without compromising future capabilities.

This concept aims to maintain a balanced cycle of production and consumption. In practice, this means that the expense is reset at the same speed. Within this approach are renewable energies, as is the case of solar and hydroelectric energy.

When these resources are used in a balanced manner, renewable energies also become sustainable. This happens by combining technologies, which avoid the lack of energy source for production and consumption.

This practice is essential for regions in the countryside, where the energy supply does not have the same stability as found in the cities. In such cases, a storm can cause production loss.

The benefits for the farmer and for those who consume products and services

Sustainable energy brings several benefits to farmers, especially if they are renewable. There are improvements in production and productivity, as well as an added value to cultivation. Also, there are advantages to the countryside families’ quality of life and cost reduction. Learn about other benefits below!

Increased farmer autonomy

The use of sustainable and renewable energies leaves the farmer free from dependence on other sources. This characteristic is important when the region has a precarious electrical infrastructure. Thus, energy is guaranteed in all situations. For example, photovoltaic panel installation ensures battery storage and even the sale of credits derived from surpluses. With this, there is security in times of a lack of light.

Strengthening precision agriculture

The cost reduction obtained allows investments to be made in technology to increase production and perform more precise work. Thus, there is greater data monitoring and communication automation on the property — situations that lead to better decision-making due to the information available.

Cost reduction

The use of solar energy reduces electricity expenditures by up to 90%. An example is irrigation, an activity necessary in most crops to ensure adequate plant growth. With this economy, it is possible to make more investments and make the rural property more competitive.

5 sustainable energy options

Understanding the importance of adopting alternative energy sources is a way of understanding how they can be applied. But what are the existing options? We list the top 5 next.

1. Micro and mini hydroelectric power plants

They produce the electricity needed for the crop by converting water into energy. The process is renewable and does not emit polluting gases. Among the advantages of this equipment are the supply of electricity and the collection of drinking water for residents.

2. Biomass

It is a renewable source that uses organic matter of animal or plant origin and by-products resulting from its processing. This includes forest, wood and herbaceous agricultural waste, among others. It enables applications in plants that burn biomass in boilers and those that generate second-generation ethanol.

3. Biogas

It is the result of the burning or conversion of biomass. Any organic material can be used, including manure. For this, it is enough to make a pre-treatment and use biodigesters for fermentation of waste and transformation into biogas. Then the compost goes through refining to become energy. On a farm, the reduction was between 30% to 35% per month.

4. Biofuels

They are produced from animal or plant biomass. The main examples are ethyl alcohol, ethanol and biodiesel. They replace petroleum diesel and offer less pollution with their burning and processing. Also, they are renewable because they are of natural or biological origin.

5. Photovoltaic and wind-solar energy

Solar energy is important for the rural environment because it may be the only energy source in more remote regions. Magnification also causes photovoltaic panel costs to decrease and become more accessible, even for small properties.

In turn, wind power uses winds to produce electricity through specific turbines. It is a very valid alternative in regions of constant winds. They are often combined with photovoltaic panels to maximize production.

You can choose any sustainable energy source. Verify the options available at your property. However you slice it, the benefits are the same: greater tranquillity, autonomy, and cost reduction for your crop. With this, the chances of having optimized production are higher.

Do you think about adopting some form of sustainable energy for your crop? Share this article on your social networks to show the importance of this practice to other farmers!


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